Carpet Cleaning Services in Rochester, MN

Step 1: Before we arrive

  Before we arrive, move as much furniture out of the area as possible. Please vacuum and pickup the area to be cleaned. A walk through is done to evaluate any stains that need extra attention.

(additional charges may apply)

Furniture Moving

  The utmost care is exercised in moving furniture items during cleaning. Moisture resistant blocks are placed under all legs to avoid rust or furniture stains. Furniture moving is $1.00 per item. Some furniture we will not move i.e., china hutches, entertainment centers, a piano, etc.

greenearthOur shampoo chemicals are biodegradable and environmentally friendly.


Step 2: The Cleaning Process

 Chemical Pretreating - Application of specifically formulated chemicals for maximum soil suspension.

Spot Removal - Special chemical agents will be used in the attempts to remove persistent spots. Fabric safety will remain paramount in work of this type.

Raking or Nap Brushing - The use of a professional brush, comb or rake to aid in restoring the fluff and set of the carpet. Assures faster drying and gives the carpet a finished, detailed look.

Steam Extraction - Exclusive use of truck mounted cleaning equipment for maximum removal of soil and for extending carpet life.


Step 3: The Cleaning Method

  Truckmounted extraction method restores pile and speeds drying time.  The secret to carpet restoration is "Power Cleaning". HydraMaster's patented mobile plant generates 10-20 times more cleaning power than conventional portable units operating from household current. All noise and heavy equipment remain outside...only the cleaning wand and vacuum hose enter your home. Extracted dirt and soil are retained in the mobile unit, not dumped into your tub or toilet.

Step 4: After Cleaning Care

Immediately following the cleaning of your carpet, some simple precautions should be taken for best results.

  •  For health and safety, keep children and pets off cleaned carpet until completely dry.

  •  Keep traffic to a minimum on the carpet until it is completely dry. CAUTION: Walking from a wet carpet to a hard surface can be very slippery.

  •  Do not remove any pads or blocks the cleaning technician may have placed under your furniture until the carpet is completely dry. This will prevent rust spots or stains from the furniture.

  •  Drying time may be longer if a Protector was applied after cleaning. Keep traffic to a minimum for 24 hours.

  •  Drying times can vary due to a number of factors, i.e., the humidity, the density of your carpet, etc. Ventilation and air circulation will help reduce drying time. Drying time can vary from four to as much as 24 hours in extremely cold or humid conditions.